Welcome to Tullar Elementary, home of the Tigers!
We take pride in holding our school community to the highest standards at Tullar. Our staff works collaboratively to support every student's academic and social development. We provide meaningful learning opportunities that engage students in critical thinking. Tullar students care about their education, community, and school. Our students model respect, for all and are growing their skills to be positive, contributing members of the Neenah community. Tullar parents are involved in the educational processes of their children and commit to working together with our school to make the most of these foundational years. Building strong, trusting relationships is the key to the success of our school community. We work collaboratively to ensure every student at Tullar has a strong educational foundation.
If you have a question about our school, a concern about your child, or a suggestion on how we can become an even better place for you and your family, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Bill Richardson
Interim Principal, Tullar Elementary