Welcome to Taft Elementary School, home of the Timberwolves!
I am looking forward to my fourth year as the Taft Elementary School principal. As a staff, our goal is to work together to provide excellent opportunities for all students through a system built on strong academic instruction, promotion of social/ emotional wellness and equitable practices in all areas.
In order to achieve this goal, Taft staff will continue to collaborate with families to meet every child’s needs. Students at Taft are provided with strong academic instruction through the use of balanced literacy and sound mathematical practices. Everyone at Taft also benefits from relationship building practices, such as daily morning meetings, centered around sharing and learning about others.
We also believe that family engagement is key in helping students achieve academic success. This year at Taft we will continue to provide multiple opportunities for families to participate in school and community based activities. We Are Better Together!
If you have any questions about Taft Elementary school, please do not hesitate to call, (920) 751-6980 or email karen.russell@neenah.k12.wi.us.
Karen Russell
Principal, Taft Elementary School