Lakeview Elementary School has a reputation of being a strong school community. There are some key components which contribute to its success. The enthusiasm and experience of the staff serves as the foundation. They are committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children which develops their individual confidence and helps each of them develop to their fullest potential. The students are engaged in active and creative activities which support a dynamic district curriculum. Lakeview's teachers maintain a child centered approach as they deliver a strong, challenging curriculum for students, maintain a sense of humor, and provide support for one another.
The children who call Lakeview School their home away from home are always ready and eager to take on a challenge. They work and play hard together. They consistently demonstrate a desire to achieve academically and to develop positive social behaviors which create a safe and accepting environment where learning can flourish.
The Lakeview family community is supportive in many different ways throughout the year as they help to enrich and improve the overall educational experience for students. Lakeview parents support their children and the staff both financially and in volunteer efforts. All parents are encouraged to seek opportunities to make a connection to the school and become involved. In addition to parent volunteers, Lakeview has a number of other helpers in retired teachers, grandparents, and business leaders.
The ongoing collaboration and interaction of these key components provides an excellent example of what an elementary school should be. Every child at Lakeview School deserves a great school, and I believe we have one.
If you have any further questions or are not finding the information you are looking for about Lakeview on the website, please contact me at 920-751-6965 ext. 15101.
Mary Renning, Principal