Question: What time does school begin?
Answer: The first bell rings at 8:05 AM. and school begins at 8:15 AM. Playground supervision is not provided before school.
Question: Where do I drop off my student?
Answer: Please avoid use of the driveway, reserving it for buses, daycare, and handicapped individuals. Students transported by cars should be dropped off on the “school side” of Alcott Drive so as to enter through the main entrance. The parking lot is reserved for staff members and is not a safe drop-off site. Please exercise extreme caution at drop off and dismissal times as the number of children and vehicles in the area briefly is overwhelming. Please drive slowly and remember to never double park on Neenah streets.
Question: What if my child is late to school?
Answer: Students arriving after 8:05 AM should enter through the front door of the school. After 8:15, students must stop in the office to check in before going to classrooms. Students arriving after 8:45 AM must bring a lunch from home, unless the school has been previously notified to order a lunch for that day. Please develop strategies to avoid repeated tardiness. Habitual tardiness may lead to a truancy referral.
Question: If my child is sick, what do I do? Who do I call? What do I say?
Answer: Call the school office at 751-6955, ext. 0 to report your child's absence. Voice messages can be left 24 hours a day. If a call is not received, school personnel will call the student's home or parents' place of employment to verify the student absence. Make-up work will be provided on your child’s return to school. Absences for illness, medical appointments, and family emergencies will be excused. Absences for family trips are discouraged and make-up work is not provided in advance.
Question: When does school end?
Answer: Every day at 3:05 PM. At the end of each quarter, school is dismissed at 11:30 AM. On professional learning days, approximately once per month, school will not be in session for students. Please see our school calendar on Schoology to review these important dates.
Question: What if we make changes to the pick up plan during the day? How do we notify our child?
Answer: If your child has to leave school before dismissal time, you must: Notify the school indicating the time and reason for the early dimissal request. Have a responsible adult, who has been authorized by the parent, sign out the child from the office. If you need to get a message to your child, please call the school office at 751-6955, ext 0. Please call well before dismissal time. Teachers are busy instructing children and will not answer classrom phones or check email during the school day.