The Educational Foundation of Neenah is accepting applications for the current quarter’s grant cycle. Deadlines for applications are January 31, March 31, September 30 and November 30 of each calendar year. You can download the grant request form below.
EFN contributes to value-added educational projects at all Neenah public schools; these projects typically fall outside the school budget and need seed money to get started. The application process is competitive; we receive more requests than our current funding can handle but more than 60% of applications do receive some level of funding from EFN.
Specialty Area Directors must approve all specialty area requests. These include: Mr. Timothy Gantz, Director of Pupil Services, and Mr. Matt Anderson, Director of Instructional Technology. It is expected that Principals will work with their budgets or contact their appropriate Area Director, (Assistant District Administrator of Learning and Leadership), for funds prior to the submission of this grant request. If this preliminary application receives positive action, it may be necessary for the applicant to meet with the Foundation. The Educational Foundation of Neenah meets four times per year.
We look forward to receiving your request and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact President Dan Goggin via email, or via phone (920) 722-4265.
EFN favors
- Requests from district administrators or classroom teachers
- Requests for programming that benefit the maximum number of students
- Requests for programming that provide unique opportunities for specialized student populations
- Technology-related requests approved by the Neenah Joint School District Technology Leader
- Requests to provide seed money to initiate new and creative programming (but not to serve as a long-term funding source)
- Requests that have sought alternative sources of funding
EFN does not favor:
- Requests for funding of food
- Requests for funding of transportation or lodging
- Requests for funding of employment (staff and substitute teachers)
- Requests for repeated funding of a program for the same student population
- Requests for funding professional development opportunities
- Requests for purchasing classroom supplies and furniture
- Requests for funding previously budgeted items
- Requests for funding previously incurred expenses
In addition, please note EFN's Grant requirements are mandatory:
- Save receipts
- Provide a minimum of five (1 Mb) photos of the event
- Provide a final one-page written summary of the program
Grant Request Form