Shattuck’s ID # is 8702703
Neenah High School's ID # is 8703214
What is NUMATS?
Northwestern University's Midwest Academic Talent Search (NUMATS) is a program that offers above grade-level testing for academically talented students in grades 3 through 9. NUMATS has been serving students in the Midwest and beyond since 1981. Every year, nearly 31,000 students use NUMATS to help them understand their abilities and plan for their future.
NUMATS is an academic talent search program sponsored byNorthwestern University. As partof this program, an above grade-level test is offered to students in grades 3-9. Testing opens the door to manyopportunities through the Talent Search Program. Studies have shown that students who score in the top 5% to 10% on school achievement tests differ widely in their abilities and educational needs. Grade-level achievement tests cannot give an accurate picture of these students' levels of ability. In contrast, above grade-level tests (tests intended for older students) contain more difficult test items than in-grade tests. For talented students, above grade-level test scores act like high-powered microscopes, giving greater detail about their academic ability.
The Gifted Program serves as a conduit of NUMATS information, however test is an optional. The GT Department shares information about this program as a high qualitiy, reputable, resource available and appropriate for GT students and their families. As part of this program students receive:
Practice test materials (sent early to mid-January)
Certificate of recognition
Individual Score Report
Statistical Summary
Recommended Course Sequence
Educational Program Guide
Talent Development Magazine
Who qualifies to participate in NUMATS?
Students all students in the GT program including magnet students.
Students who have already participated in the Talent Search Program.
Students who have very high achievement test of 90th percentile or higher on a nationally normed achievement test (like WKCE).
My child qualifies—how do we register?
You may register online at Registration is taking place. You will need Shattuck's Identification number which is 8702703. Neenah High School's Identification number is 8703214. Ms. Cleveland is the site coordinator.
After registering, you will receive materials to help prepare for the test. After testing, students and parents receive information about specialized curricula, enrichment programs, and accelerated courses of study. This valuable feedback and planning material help families use students' test scores to plan for their future.
Why should a seventh or eighth grade student take the ACT or SAT?
Not every student should take the ACT or SAT. If a student is particularly stressed by the test or needs a break from several years of testing, we recommend passing on the test. However, for most high ability students, the test offers an appropriate challenge.
Reasons for participating in the NUMATS testing:
Many talent search students have “topped out” of the age-appropriate tests they normally take in school. By taking the ACT or SAT students get amore detailed picture of their abilities in comparison with other bright students.
Students are provided with a practice and experience of taking the ACT/SAT without it “officially” counting on their school record.
Each student gets a preview of an important test they will ultimately take again during their junior year of high school for the purposes of college admission. This experience may help them focus their high school study and test preparation efforts so that they may improve their scores.
Testing may draw attention to a child’sparticular academic need. Gifted teachers may use this information to levy more differentiation and/or acceleration in the classroom.
It provides another opportunity to receive Gifted services. ACT & SAT scores may now be use as at test qualifier to enter the GT program.
Which test should my child take?
We recommend the ACT for 7thgrade students for several reasons:
The ACT is comprised of four subtests: English, Math, Reading and Science Reasoning. The writing portion is optional. The subtests break up the testing time and makes the testing pacing more appropriate for our younger students.
The subtest subject area information is more useful to the gifted teacher when doing specific programming. For example the need for science enrichment or acceleration stands out more clearly on the ACT.
There are more ACT test cites near the FoxValley Area.
The ACT is mostly commonly used in our Midwest region.
Eighth grade students may take either the SAT or ACT. If it is the first time thestudent has participated in NUMATS, then the ACT may be a more appropriate testf or the reason listed above.