1. A *CogAT Total (VQN), Verbal (V), Quantitative (Q), or combination score (VN, QN, VQ) of 130 or higher plus a percentile rank of 96 or higher in the areas of either reading or math.
2. A *CogAT Total (VQN), Verbal (V), Quantitative (Q), or combination score (VN, QN, VQ) score of 125 - 129 plus a percentile rank of 96 or higher in either reading or math and a GATES (Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scale) of “Highly Probable” or higher in the areas of Intellectual Ability, or Academic Skills, or Creativity.
* A minimum CogAT total score (VQN) of 120 is required for GT evaluation. Nonverbal (N) should be used in conjunction with other CogAT tests. Nonverbal should not be used alone. A full-range IQ test may also be used for identification. Approved full-range IQ tests include CogAT, Sages 1, 2, and 3, Slosson-Frit, Weschler, Stanford Binet, Kaufman, and Woodcock-Johnson. A minimum composite score of 120 is required to be considered for gifted and talented (GT) identification.