How can my child or student be considered for Assistive Technology?
The IEP team considers the need for Assistive Technology at each annual IEP meeting when the IEP team documents the Assistive Technology services and/or devices that the student requires to make progress towards IEP goals.
How can an IEP team get extra support in considering the Assistive Technology needs of a student?
In NJSD, members of the Assistive Technology Team are assigned to consult with IEP teams who request additional support. To do this, the student's case manager should complete the AT Referral form and submit it to LeAnn Knoeck. An AT Team member will be assigned and contact the case manager with next steps.
What exactly will the AT Team member consulting on a student do?
The specific role of the AT Team member will vary based on the student, history, team members and identified needs. Some AT Team members will consult on an as-needed basis with the case manager; while others may need to have regularly scheduled meeting times with service providers for a period of time. Their presence is dynamic and varies based on the needs of the student and service providers.
My student uses a communication device but there is no AT Team member assigned to their team. Shouldn't one be consulting?
No, not necessarily. If a student's primary service providers (in this case, likely a Special Education Teacher and Speech-Language Pathologist) are able to meet the communication needs on a daily basis, an AT Team member is not needed. At some point in time, should the primary service providers feel the student needs something different and they would like extra support to move forward, an AT Team member can be added by completing an AT Referral form as stated above.
How can I learn more about using Assistive Technology with the students in my classroom?
Formal instruction on topics related to Assistive Technology are provided in NJSD through TTT's, inservice sessions and summer classes. The AT Team members are always happy to answer questions or get more information for you. See our Team Members (here) to find someone in your school building or with an area of speciality related to your question.
All of the children in my child's class have an iPad provided by NJSD. Shouldn't this be listed as Assistive Technology in my child's IEP?
Assistive technology is not educational technology. Assistive Technology provides access to the curriculum. Educational technology (hardware and software) serves as a supplement to the curriculum. It reinforces concepts taught and is one of the many instructional tools available to the teacher. Educational technology is support available to all students and is not specified in the IEP. If, however, your child could not access the curriculum or instruction provided in the classroom without supports on the iPad; then the IEP team would document this as a need for Assistive Technology.